Tuesday, 26 March 2013

India and Hilarious Photograph!

We have always said that our daughter India was 'Special'
Just an average day for our daughter India playing with dolls whilst wearing her 'Chainsaw Massacre' outfit!

Love You

Paignton Fun Run Spring 2013

Mum, Izzy and Langford, Durbridge Gangs all completed the Paignton Fun Runs last week. I think we have found a Future Olympic Runner in our 6 Year Old Daughter!!
Mum, Jo and Jay went on afterwards to complete th full 10k Run although they were not expecting the cross country conditions!
Congratulations guys!

Izzy and Poppy Woodlands Spring 2013

It's supposed to be Spring but the cold weather is still kicking in. Izzy and her Best Friend Poppy got to go to Woodlands at the Weekend although we all had to wrap up warm. 
We had a great time trying out the 'Devils Drop' slides. Both Izzy and Poppy were daring enough to jump over the side and drop 50+ Foot down.

Lennox and the Broken Arm!

Ninja Lenny!
The big man finally found out this week that he is not indestructible! He has amazed his mum and dad by not making a deal about it at all. We are beginning to think that he doesn't feel pain as he hadn't cried once. 
After the 1st night asleep he pulled off the plaster only to have the longer term version put on the next day. 
We all love you 'Big Man' 

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Butlins 2013

Had a great time at Butlins once again (Shame about dads food poisoning!). All tired and ready for another holiday after Barney, Swimming, Beauty and Breast, Disco Dancing to the early hours and not forgetting the Skyline Gang! Great company with Matt, Hayley and their tribe!

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Stop at Grampy and Nanny's House after snow!

Had a great day on the moors where the snow got too much for the toes of certain little ones! First time the twins had seen snow. Need to make a mental note to buy a decent sleigh! Plastic box from back garden just didn't cut the mustard!
Stopped at Grampy and Nanny's house on way home just as they were about to settle down for a nice quiet evening. Managed to destroy the house in 5 minutes! I think they love it!

Monday, 7 January 2013

Day at Park with the Gang!

Spent the day pushing twins around on their new trikes and watching Izabelle fly around on her scooter. Wet bums from swings and rain but everybody had a great day.
Ended up in Flagship Play Area where Lenny and India have started to go 'Kamakazie' on the slide.....No Fear!!!

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Ballerina Girl Izzy!!!!

This was Tiffany's old Ballet outfit that Aunty Clare got down from their loft. Izzy absolutely loves it! She's says that there is only one job for her in the future and that is to be a ballerina! My little princess!! xxxxx 

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Lenny Christmas Night with his Mickey!

Amazing Christmas this year. Having Izzy and Twins full of excitement made the day. Mum and Dad really love their bundles of joy! Your all perfect! xxx

Wednesday, 2 January 2013